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5200 Perring Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21251​

Dr. Devdas Shetty - AMIE

Dr. Devdas Shetty

University of the District of Columbia

Dr. Devdas Shetty serves as Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of the District of Columbia, and as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering.  Dr. Shetty is a world-renowned scholar, educator and outstanding academic administration leader whose career spanned over 35 years in several countries. He previously served as the Dean of Engineering at Lawrence Technological University, Michigan, also Dean of Research and Vernon D Roosa Manufacturing Professor at the University of Hartford, Connecticut. As the Director of the Engineering Applications Center, he was responsible for research partnerships with more than 50 companies.  He also held faculty positions at the Albert Nerkin School of Engineering at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York.

Dr. Shetty has a stellar record of scholarship, which includes authorship of four textbooks in engineering.  His textbooks on Mechatronics as well as Product Design are widely used as textbooks in many universities around the world. He has authored over 250 scientific articles & journal papers and proceedings. He holds six patents. His research work has been cited for contribution to the understanding of mechatronics and intellectual achievements in product design and surface measurement in the aerospace industry. Major projects led by Dr. Shetty include partnership with Albert Einstein College for his invention of ambulatory system for supporting patients during rehabilitation, successful design of a gun-launched hybrid projectile with US Army’s Research division, basic contributions in laser manufacturing. The cutting-edge curriculum of integrating engineering with humanities and social sciences that Dr. Shetty developed using support from the National Science Foundation has emerged as a national model.

Since joining as the Dean at the University of the District of Columbia, Dr. Shetty has doubled the student enrollment, started a new bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, two master’s degrees and the first Doctoral Degree in Engineering and Computer Science. He successfully led ABET re-accreditation for four engineering and computer science programs, spearheaded scholarship and research activities, which to date has amounted to more than 30 million dollars.

His leadership in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has resulted in several awards for the University at national and international competitions. He has established partnerships with several companies in the USA and Universities abroad.

Major honors received by Prof. Shetty include James Frances Bent award for Creativity, the Edward S. Roth National Award for Manufacturing from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineering National Faculty Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Honor award, 2019 Distinguished leadership award from UDC and Fellowship and lifetime achievement award in Industrial Engineering from the International Society of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management(IEOM). He is an elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.

5200 Perring Parkway Baltimore, Maryland 21251 301-275-8067